Monday, May 29, 2006

You Bless Me

Yes folks, here I am hugging the swan. Why would I be hugging the swan?
Well because you from the Swan City Church of Christ have become the most amazing blessing in my life. I don't think I have ever seen and known God the way that I've been seeing Him and His faithfulness this month! I don't know how to pray my thanks and I don't know how to thank all of you. "Thank you" seems like such small words to express what I feel and need to tell you. You have blessed me, you have blessed me, you have blessed me.
I've told you before that I felt God's call to midwifery more than anything before in my life. But with that being such an internal, intangible thing my assurance of it fluctuates. Not that I am any less interested in midwifery, not that I for a moment want out. But that I wonder - has God really CALLED me to this? Calling is such a big idea, one that I have previously shied away from. But last fall when Midwifery School hit me, and now after a month like this and a BBQ like yesterday's, I am so humbled. And I look at God with amazement at the ways He provides, that He would use me, and that He has moved you to be so generous. You encourage me, you give, you love me.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Do You SEE People?

"Do you see anything?"
It's the question Jesus asked the blindman after He spit in his eyes. And it's the question Jeff (of New Brunswick - you know, Jeff in New Brunswick, ??) asked himself and now poses for us.
And his answer is the very same as the once-was-blindman's - "I see people."
But what difference does that make to any of us, we see people everyday. But I wonder if we really do SEE people or if we skin colour, style, careers, lifestyles, age, whatever. Do we classify people as this or that, so we don't actually have to see them as individual created beings. Children of God that He has a plan for, a will for, someone made in His image.
What if we stop labelling people? What if we just choose to love them regardless of what we might think they are?
So today I'm recommending 2 articles first the above mentioned-gooder by Jeff on
24-7 Prayer and one that hits on AIDS and inconviencing ourselves because God wants us to love others, by Ryan Hannah on Relevant.

I guess for me this is really at the front of my mind right now. As I head into school I'm trying to think of the things I want to remember to be, to do when I am fully engaged in all the busyness of missions and studying and living with others. I want to learn from all my past travels, from what God has been teaching me these last years. Most of these ideas, these goals have to do with loving God and loving people. That's all life ever seems to be about.

So I guess I want to remember to SEE people. To know them, to listen to them, to know their names, to go above and beyond, to pray for them, to think of others first.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Learn to Comment 101

  1. Now if there is anyone out there who is interested in commenting but aren't so sure about the process, here we go...

After the incredibly inspiring and witty blog that you want to comment on there will be a link saying how many comments have been left for that article. Click on that link, whether it says "0 comments" or "23 comments".

Click and a new little window will apear. You can read what other people have said (kinda like eavesdropping, hehe). And then you can write whatever you'd like to say.

You can comment whether you are a member or not. You can leave you name, your email or stay anonymous.

But now that you have read this it means you have to comment - no excuses now - uhuh.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I was reading the blog of a family whose working at the clinic in Manila right now and got a wake-up a call about the critters whose home I'm moving into. No not the cockroaches, not the rats, nope, they don't really bother me. I can deal with them. Its the spiders, the little ones, the BIG ones, all of them!
I realized that I need to alert my prayer warriors. You might think I'm a baby. You might think this is hilarious. But I'm serious. I'm going to need a miracle, my sanity is dependant on Jesus here!
Please, please pray that God begins to work a miracle inside of me. I am uncontrollably afraid of spiders. Even my coworkers know this - they run and squish at my screams! But I can't even explain to you how serious I am. The thought of seeing one, living with them, not knowing where they are, or being touched by one. Seriously, seriously, seriously. Please pray for God's grace for me!

My Excellent Planning

You would never believe how much is involved in getting ready to leave the country for a couple years! Seriously!
I'm feeling pretty calm today but I'm sure the panic will hit again. And I can assure you - a week ago I thought I'd never manage to finish the phone calls. Immunizations, doctor, dentist, eye doctor, health insurance, car insurance, packing, buying textbooks and plane tickets, finishing a big project at work - not to mention the fact that there are people in my life! And apparently leaving the country for a couple years, isn't something car insurers are used to dealing with - they just don't know what to do with me!
I can't believe I wasn't thinking about all these things earlier, I'm usually a planner, but it never occured to me to be planning things a little earlier than May. I've only known about school for 6 months now! (Dripping with sarcasm, dripping.)
Of course I'm usually dripping with sarcasm. Something I only really discovered last year. In DTS I lived with 20 people, from so many cultures, so many languages, so many life experiences. I found out that my sarcasm wasn't always understood, wasn't always funny, wasn't always right. It was a good lesson. It hurt. And I'm not perfect now. Sometimes after I let a comment slip I wonder if maybe it wasn't what I meant to say, or maybe it was, but I shouldn't have wanted to say it in the first place. But I digress this isn't what I was really writing about, was it?
Life is complicated. For everyone. And you don't really realize how connected, and bolted down you are until you try to pick up and go. Then in one month try and fight for freedom. If you're ever in my situation, may I suggest - start to work out the details just a smidge earlier than I have!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Fleshing Out - Excitement

Everyday someone asks me if I am excited about leaving, training to be a midwife or entering missions.
"Yeah, I can't believe its almost here / I can't believe they're actually going to let me do this / Only 23 more days / I can't believe I found something that involves so many of my passions / I've been waiting so long, it barely seems real / Just trying to get all of life in order before I leave / Yeah, and a little bit scared too."
Those are my usual responses. You've probably heard them. And they're true, that's why I say them. But I honestly don't feel like they really communicate much. They're pat. Not that I have a problem with pat - Pat's a great name.
I wish I could actually say what I'm thinking. Seems easy enough, but I don't exactly know how. So I'm making a list - these are some of the right words:

  • emotional
  • overwhelmed
  • ecstatic
  • anxious
  • expectant
  • curious
  • impatient
  • keen (an entirely Canadian word!)
  • joyful
  • nervous
  • encouraged
  • ready

Now you know. Please keep me in your prayers. Everything begins in 23 short days, actually by the time you read this it'll probably be less!

I'm really excited! (Ha)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Anti-Hero Gospel

"As Christians, when we start talking about simple obedience, there's a triggered-mechanism within us that pleads for the dramatic over the daily and begs for short-term heroics over the long-and-steady obedience that comes with taking the commands of Jesus seriously. I think it happens whenever we cry out, "I'd die for you," or, "I'll burn my CD's for you," or maybe something like, "I'll move to Antarctica and freeze to death for you, Jesus." When really, all God wants is for us to take him seriously where we're at and make his way a pattern of life."

A really neat article on Relevant today, check out The Anti-Hero Gospel. Like the author, the Superhero phenomenon hits home for me too. I may not be dreaming of saving the world from some alien invasion, (believe me), but I often feel this superman-complex about needing to solve the world's ills. When really Christ hasn't called me to save the world. I can't - and well He already did. He is calling me to be faithful, He is calling me to love the poor and forgotten. He isn't looking for a spandex outfit or web-throwing skills. Thank goodness - both scare me!

The 4-1-1 on Financial Support

For those of you who are looking for the details on cheques and moolah - the best way to give support is to write your cheques out to myself, (Kim Hughes), and get them to me through my church mailbox, or on a Sunday morning.
Because of charity regulations the church is unable to accept donations for me. The downside is that I am not able to provide you with tax receipts for your gifts. I know that for some of you that isn't a big deal. But for others of you that might be an issue. If you are unable to give without a receipt I fully understand - I wish I could get them for you!
If you are planning on giving each month, you can choose to give a bunch of post-dated cheques which will be deposited each month, or you give them individually - whichever works for you.
And if you are planning on giving - well, Thank You, so much! I hope I can have time to talk with each of you, and I look forward to sharing with you the fruits of your giving!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Spring Happened

One of my favourite things happened last night. I love the moment in spring when the little gray buds on all the trees all of a sudden become bright green leaves - everywhere. And it almost seems like it is ONE moment. One day you see spring about to happen. And then the next day you realize it's happened and all is green and somehow you missed the in-between.
That moment of revelation hit last night. I was driving along when I realized all the trees next to me were green. Everyone of them had leaves, not buds.
And so my long commute this morning was once again a beautiful thing (after I made it past the blowing snow and sleet!) The road to Fort St. John rolls right over the mighty Peace River. And as the road drops into the steep valley, all around is this fantastic shade of green. All the trees looking like - life! And so I have to try to pry my eyes off the view and try to stay on the road - a somewhat difficult task (for me) on any day. But it was great. I could sit at the top of that hill for a couple of hours and just watch and sing. How pretty!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Nervous, But Loved

I had the chance to share in church on Sunday - to let my GP family know where I'm headed. And if I seemed nervous, its cause I was. Not nervous to let you in on the news, but nervous because public performances tend to make me feel nauseous, to the point that I can't eat... or breathe, and my palms begin to sweat - profusely!
Remember last fall when a bear made an (Oscar worthy) cameo at Studio Y? Well whoever played that stellar role was backstage, stomach-churning in the hottest, most oxygen-deprived fur suit of all time just moments before that performance. Needless to say my fear is well grounded! (Ha!)
But however voice-crackly, all out nervous I may have been, I really was SOOO excited to share about what I'm heading into! I am amazed at this opportunity that's been put in front of me. Sometimes I begin to wonder if it is real. Am I really leaving so soon? Are they really going to let me be a midwife?
And as I stood on that stage, nervous as all-get-out I was encouraged because all through my church family, people were smiling, nodding their heads, and otherwise letting me know that they were onside, that they believe in this work of God, and in me. You all blessed me! And it has been amazing to have people come to me and commit to praying, commit to giving funds. So many times I have seen God provide for me, and through these last months as I began to count through my "piggybank" I have had to pray - God give me trust. And you are proving to me again - God is faithful, trustworthy, loving. And where He leads He will provide. He brings us together as true community to belong to each other. To give ourselves away to each other! Thank you. You bless me.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Five Loaves, Two Fish - from May 2006 Chronicle

Do you ever pick up a newspaper or turn on the news only to see that people are still poor, still hungry, still waging wars, that AIDS is still spreading? Do you ever look around your workplace, your school, your neighborhood and see people who are lonely, angry, bored, hurting, sick? Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Do you ever feel powerless? After all what difference can one person make? The numbers are all wrong, the odds are against us. The global situation doesn’t often make one feel very hopeful.
But that can’t be the whole picture, because there’s a story in the gospels about a time when the odds weren’t so good for Jesus, his pals or his audience either. The story I’m referring to is the account of the greatest seafood buffet of all time; as Jesus takes five loaves and two fish and feeds more than five thousand people. You’ve heard of it right? Here’s what I find interesting, each of the gospels records the story, but only John tells us where the foodstuffs come from. They come from the hands of a little boy:

“Jesus soon saw a great crowd of people climbing the hill, looking for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, ‘Philip, where can we buy bread to feed all these people?’ He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do.
Philip replied, ‘It would take a small fortune to feed them!’
Then Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up. ‘There's a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?’
‘Tell everyone to sit down,’ Jesus ordered. So all of them - the men alone numbered five thousand - sat down on the grassy slopes. Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and passed them out to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate until they were full.”
John 6:5-11

Now I have a feeling that Jesus probably didn’t need this little boy’s bag lunch. He could have just as easily fed the masses from nothing. In fact it might have been an even bigger show of power, He could have been “The God Who Makes Pop-Tarts Appear from Thin Air”. But I think Jesus had a point in borrowing the fish and bread.
All the problems we face each day as we look at the world, at our communities, at our lives, they seem monstrous. There are no easy answers, rarely good solutions and it seems like no end in sight. These are God-sized problems! How are we supposed to help, what good can we accomplish in a world in so much need? Ultimately the answer is that only Christ can bring the healing and peace we need; it is what we look forward to with His return. But while we are waiting for that day, we can learn from this story that Jesus is the Humble King. He isn’t just looking to perform big production miracles for His sake, but He sees His children’s needs and invites all us to be involved and to join His work.
There is a moment in C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” where Mr. Beaver tells the children “…Aslan is on the move.” And to me those five words are beautiful. Aslan, our great God is coming to rescue His children, to break evil’s spell, to end the terrible winter. Where is God moving near you? He is not blind to the heartache in your home, your workplace, in the ghettos, in Africa. He is not blind; He is on the move. And He is inviting us to join Him. You may already be there, involved with God and others all around you. Or you may be seeing that God is calling out to you to join Him with your time, your heart, your prayers, your skills, your money. Wherever you are, know that God is not daunted by the odds. Even when it seems that the needs around you are enough to drown in, or that what you have to give is barely enough to be counted, know that God is bigger than bad odds, and that He is calling you to be involved.
This summer I’m offering God my five loaves and two fish, it isn’t much but it’s what I’ve got: two hands and my heart. I am heading to the Philippines to work as a midwife in an urban slum in Manila. There I will be working with my classmates to run a free birth clinic, providing maternal and child health care and love to families don’t have the resources to see a doctor or go to a hospital. Last year I began to feel God calling me join Him in this work, to be a part of what He is doing through the Mercy In Action Maternity Center. And I know that I can’t solve the maternal health needs of the world, and in the end I’m not what these women and their babies really need, they need the Great Physician. But I trust that by doing what I can, that we’ll find God moving in miraculous ways, that we’ll see life where we did not expect to find life. That we will see hope and smiles return to women who have not had any reason for them. Against all odds God’s grace is breaking through in Welfareville, Manila and I have the chance to go and be a part. Perhaps you would like to join what God is doing with a young, rag-tag group of midwives, if so
send me an email, lets be in contact.
“…Aslan is on the move.” Does He have your five loaves, your two fish?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's A Boy!

Grayson James Landon was born at 10:32pm May 1, weighing 9lbs10oz at 20.5" long!
And I had the pleasure of being a part of his birth! Jenn and Jeremy blessed me with an invite into the delivery room, and I spent the day with them yesterday through labour and delivery. It was amazing to be a part of his birth, and it is a day I will never forget. Grayson's was the first birth I have experienced, but I hope he is the first in a long line! I could write so much, but I think I'll leave this here. I'll have pictures in a few days.
And just so you know, Grayson is perfect (with lots of curly, dark hair). Jenn did amazing. And Jeremy didn't cry, (he did pretty amazing too). Welcome to your family Grayson!