Monday, May 29, 2006

You Bless Me

Yes folks, here I am hugging the swan. Why would I be hugging the swan?
Well because you from the Swan City Church of Christ have become the most amazing blessing in my life. I don't think I have ever seen and known God the way that I've been seeing Him and His faithfulness this month! I don't know how to pray my thanks and I don't know how to thank all of you. "Thank you" seems like such small words to express what I feel and need to tell you. You have blessed me, you have blessed me, you have blessed me.
I've told you before that I felt God's call to midwifery more than anything before in my life. But with that being such an internal, intangible thing my assurance of it fluctuates. Not that I am any less interested in midwifery, not that I for a moment want out. But that I wonder - has God really CALLED me to this? Calling is such a big idea, one that I have previously shied away from. But last fall when Midwifery School hit me, and now after a month like this and a BBQ like yesterday's, I am so humbled. And I look at God with amazement at the ways He provides, that He would use me, and that He has moved you to be so generous. You encourage me, you give, you love me.



Jenn said...

Things are going to be amazing , the time is coming so fast. I think you are going to be an awesome midwife. Love you.

Desiree said...

Although we have never met, I am certain that you will make an amazing midwife. I can see the passion that is driving you to this and God will guide you through it all. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Keep your promises. That way, when things get tough and you feel like giving in, you can be assured that God honors your promises. You will KNOW that He is there for you, if you feel Him close or not. If you promised to do this for two years in the Philipines, He is already there. You'll be back soon enough. And your friends will be here waiting for you. And they will be praying for you while they wait... ... :)
...because that's what they do.

Chantal said...

Hi Beautiful
I'm so excited for you and I know God wants to use you to make a big difference in people lives. I haven't really said anything and already I'm starting to cry so I better leave it at that for now.

I love you so much!

Desiree said...

Kim where are you? I need a dose of perspective. I enjoy reading your thoughts, I find them so soothing and comforting!