Sunday, January 27, 2008


I've just seen Juno.
And it was a fantastic film! Maybe I should say that I prefer the word "film" to "movie", as I feel that the latter suggests merely mindless entertainment. While films are smart, emotional, beautiful, or otherwise worthwhile. It wasn't perfect, it had a certain rough edge: on every side. But it was good.
I've just finished bawling in my kitchen.
And I don't know why. I'm not the type to cry at just any sappy scene, No, it's the surprising moments that claim my tears. Like the Tim Hortons commercial with the Chinese father and son, where the father disapproves of hockey, but secretly shows up to every game. That commercial does the trick.
Tonight it was the delivery scene in Juno and the moments after, as she just cries; my tears came, and the shakes, and I couldn't tell you why. Even now, and 10 minutes ago, I'm crying. I'm deeply, deeply sad or moved or called or lonely. I'm not sure how to title the emotion. I don't know what it is. It's just an ache with tears.
Watch Juno, it's good, really good. You probably won't cry, the film is clever and light, but it's the heaviest light to me right now. And I want to understand just why.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Snowballs and Mafia

Another week, another Youth Group down, whew!
I had a blast tonight! We started off with a couple minutes of lovely awkward silence in the basement, that wasn't planned, but did really fit well in with our theme...
But then we really got going with one of the best snowball fights I've ever been in, a wonderful affair, of treason and cold, cold earfuls of snow. When that was sufficiently worn out, and our bodies sufficiently wet, we headed back inside. And enjoyed the most efficient game of Mafia ever played, anywhere - 4 mafia pinned in 4 rounds!
Which was good, because we had just enough time to get on to our theme: Noise. If you've ever heard of the Nooma videos, they're a really neat series of 10+min snippets; Rob Bell discussing one thing or another. And rather thought provoking too. So heading into a season of Bright Sadness next week (LENT), this was a good discussion to get our minds rolling, on the noise and distractions in our lives.
"Does the amount of noise in our lives have any connection to our inability to hear God?" And what things might we want to try removing, what distractions could we lay aside, even just for a short time?
So we had some really good discussions, I was really, Really impressed with all our kids! And really, Really moved by God showing up. This week I feel like, "Yes, we had a great night at Youth Group. God was there and we had ourselves a lot of fun!" I'm feeling jazzed tonight, just cause He showed up and worked out all the plans. Now I must sleep, after all morning comes early and next Friday will be here so fast.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Twin-ed Life

I ran my first Youth Group last night! In two words: "Hectic Fun!" We had the good company of all sorts of twins, including Elvis and his (stillborn) baby twin brother. I'm serious the kids came up with that one themselves, while perhaps not in the best taste, they are terribly creative. Yes, it was Twin Night, complete with Siamese twin games (duct-taped together), a Choco-pudding feed race, and finally a talent show!
To end the night I spoke about my time in the Phils, and how greatly God looked after me. Ending with a moving and clever, (ahem!), slideshow, which did of course include some beautiful Twins. And the kids listened really well, or at least respected the "you can be bored, just be quiet" request. (Insert smiley face here.)
I felt a little stressed with the whole event, but in reflection realize that that is mostly to be expected and that things went remarkably well, and according to plan. I think we all had fun too.
I'm certainly left wishing I had one of those magnetic personalities that draws peoples' attention and creates a sort of energy. That would be nice... but I guess they'll have to deal with dull, trying to be able to be loud-enough Kim. (Smile again.)
That's okay, in my weakness He is strong.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Good Things

I have had two amazing moments this week! How am I so lucky? And should I really chance mislabeling it with the word "luck"?
What a place to be in, I feel that I am starting something with incredible blessing being placed on me. And it might turn out to be a very difficult thing, it might be very demanding, and I might even have to do battle sometimes. But it is starting so good, I'm being given the gift of starting well. Everything that anyone else can do to help me start, is being done, is being given. The rest is really up to me and my faithfulness to God and task set before me.
The first wonderful Moment happened during Tuesday morning staff meeting, not a place that many people look to for good gifts! But I was welcomed, with warm words, into a group I already know. And they surrounded me and they laid hands on me and prayed, setting me aside for this ministry.
And Moment two happened just tonight, after a chilly couple hours of sledding, with the Youth who have been placed in my care. As they too encircled me, and laid hands and prayed, and the faith-filled prayers of these 14-17 year-olds praised God for His plan. And we all asked Him to do great things in this time, and to make us willing to serve, and to use our gifts.
I am loved, and trusted. And I love them in return, I don't think a better group of teens exists anywhere, these are really great kids! And God has given them to me, and me to serve them. And that is a huge responsibility, I feel it, and I know it's heavy - but I am really just thrilled.
Who wouldn't be thrilled when they had just enjoyed a cupcake buffet with "Welcome Kim" spelled out over top?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blue at Night

I ran home tonight, hoping to catch the last bits of sunlight before the day was done. I was anxious to finally catch the beauty of the hoar frost, which always seems to melt before can I train my lense on it. And I succeeded, in those last blue moments of the day. As for my payment, to the snow and the trees, I sacrificed feeling in my fingers, and gave to the cold, a bite.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Well, I'm in! I started the new job on Wednesday, and I've day-by-day been trying to figure out what it means to be Interim Youth Ministries Director. My big question has been, How do I take these lists of what I'm supposed to accomplish, and make them happen? How does what task I choose right now, lead to Youth Groups, Conferences, and Camps? And that which is even harder to nail down - to discipleship? (Insert proverbial "Duhn-Duhn-Duhn!")
So I'm spending lots of time in the Prayer Chapel. And making my rounds through everyone's offices, gleaning wisdom, and details and old paperwork; to sort through and integrate. And come Friday, we'll get down to business and do Youth Group.
Here goes! If you're the praying kind; please be lifting these kids, this ministry and this me up to the Father.