I finished work yesterday - the end of another era in my life. Yes it has been 4 years that I have working on and off with Pembina Pipelines in 3 different towns, and now, with any luck, I will not work for them again! Pembina has been good - fun people, comfortable job, good money. To be honest I'll miss my FSJ/WC/GP work buddies, but I am thrilled to be finished! I never want to hear the words "Micro Main" ever, EVER again!
But I must report on a bit of the fun that I've had this week. Every so often something special happens that makes your week. Well, to be honest this week I had about 6 special somethings, pretty lucky if you ask me.
- Sunday was a beautiful start to my week. My BBQ blessed the socks off me, I hope you all realize that. If people think its just about the fact that I raised more money then I could have ever hoped that isn't it. It was that God moved in people to give, He was working in them. It was that people were saying to me, and demonstrating to me that they love and trust me, and see God working through me. Wow.
- One of my work buddies (he's over 50, don't worry) decided he'd miss me (or maybe was just really happy to see me go) and celebrated with giving me roses! I may be shallow folks - but flowers do make me happy. They just make me smile. What a sweetheart!
- I also found out that my folks are going to splurge for the digital camera I've been dreaming of, Nikon D50 here I come! This is an SLR camera like the one I own, but digital. Although I really love traditional cameras, I am so thrilled that I won't have the costs or restrictions of film. This means a million more pictures, better pictures and easier sharing right here for you!
- On Wednesday night one of the bosses at work and I took her 2006 Ford Mustang convertible out to a nearby religious colony (just a random detail) for dinner. The food was good, the company was good, a great time. But did I mention that I got to DRIVE her brand new 2006 Ford Mustang convertible (top down) on the highway! Woohoo!
- A couple months ago the WC office gave me a gift certificate as my going away gift and they told me to use it towards an iPod, something I was happy to obey. So I told my new boss that he needed to match it (as a half-joke), and well - he did! So yesterday I had the fun of picking up my very own 30GB iPod. Now I can take my music/pics/videos with me to any corner of the globe!
- Yesterday came and went and it was my last day at work! The FSJ office gang were just as sweet as the WC crew. I received a donation for midwifery school, a card and cake! As well as the offer (threat), that the guys could line up for kisses, it was really funny, but you probably had to be there.
It has been a really special week. I look ahead though and there are only 5 brief days left here in this place that is my epic-center, my home. Despite what my passport might tell you, leaving here is hard. It is something that makes me feel kinda cold inside, anxious, ick. I'm choosing not to think about it, I love travel and missions and all of these things I'm blessed to be a part of, but God has planted me here at home. Not that I need to stay - but I know and feel my roots. This year has been one of the best of my life, Pembina included. God has helped me step back from the last few years and put in place the things I learned, and learn some of the things I missed. Leaving my friends and family has never been harder.
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