Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Excellent Planning

You would never believe how much is involved in getting ready to leave the country for a couple years! Seriously!
I'm feeling pretty calm today but I'm sure the panic will hit again. And I can assure you - a week ago I thought I'd never manage to finish the phone calls. Immunizations, doctor, dentist, eye doctor, health insurance, car insurance, packing, buying textbooks and plane tickets, finishing a big project at work - not to mention the fact that there are people in my life! And apparently leaving the country for a couple years, isn't something car insurers are used to dealing with - they just don't know what to do with me!
I can't believe I wasn't thinking about all these things earlier, I'm usually a planner, but it never occured to me to be planning things a little earlier than May. I've only known about school for 6 months now! (Dripping with sarcasm, dripping.)
Of course I'm usually dripping with sarcasm. Something I only really discovered last year. In DTS I lived with 20 people, from so many cultures, so many languages, so many life experiences. I found out that my sarcasm wasn't always understood, wasn't always funny, wasn't always right. It was a good lesson. It hurt. And I'm not perfect now. Sometimes after I let a comment slip I wonder if maybe it wasn't what I meant to say, or maybe it was, but I shouldn't have wanted to say it in the first place. But I digress this isn't what I was really writing about, was it?
Life is complicated. For everyone. And you don't really realize how connected, and bolted down you are until you try to pick up and go. Then in one month try and fight for freedom. If you're ever in my situation, may I suggest - start to work out the details just a smidge earlier than I have!