Thursday, May 18, 2006


I was reading the blog of a family whose working at the clinic in Manila right now and got a wake-up a call about the critters whose home I'm moving into. No not the cockroaches, not the rats, nope, they don't really bother me. I can deal with them. Its the spiders, the little ones, the BIG ones, all of them!
I realized that I need to alert my prayer warriors. You might think I'm a baby. You might think this is hilarious. But I'm serious. I'm going to need a miracle, my sanity is dependant on Jesus here!
Please, please pray that God begins to work a miracle inside of me. I am uncontrollably afraid of spiders. Even my coworkers know this - they run and squish at my screams! But I can't even explain to you how serious I am. The thought of seeing one, living with them, not knowing where they are, or being touched by one. Seriously, seriously, seriously. Please pray for God's grace for me!


Anonymous said...

Jesus said "Go..." You know the rest, right. So if He said to go do this, He is already there. Yup, there will be spiders, but I'm sure He will show you how to deal with them, first in your heart, then with your hand (flyswatter).

Just a note; don't go to deliver babies, and don't go to make new friends, and don't go to experience new things. Go for Christ! Ok!

You'll be fine. So many are praying for you! Not everything is going to be perfect, but He knows that. And He has done so much already.

God Bless you girl!

Dan King said...

praying for you this morning!


Kim said...

You guys are awesome! And if you want to laugh at me too that's all right!
Thanx billions!

Anonymous said...

Ha!! K, I'm done. :)

Jenn said...

Kim I know how you feel.I know God will help you with your fear if you let him.