Thursday, May 04, 2006

Nervous, But Loved

I had the chance to share in church on Sunday - to let my GP family know where I'm headed. And if I seemed nervous, its cause I was. Not nervous to let you in on the news, but nervous because public performances tend to make me feel nauseous, to the point that I can't eat... or breathe, and my palms begin to sweat - profusely!
Remember last fall when a bear made an (Oscar worthy) cameo at Studio Y? Well whoever played that stellar role was backstage, stomach-churning in the hottest, most oxygen-deprived fur suit of all time just moments before that performance. Needless to say my fear is well grounded! (Ha!)
But however voice-crackly, all out nervous I may have been, I really was SOOO excited to share about what I'm heading into! I am amazed at this opportunity that's been put in front of me. Sometimes I begin to wonder if it is real. Am I really leaving so soon? Are they really going to let me be a midwife?
And as I stood on that stage, nervous as all-get-out I was encouraged because all through my church family, people were smiling, nodding their heads, and otherwise letting me know that they were onside, that they believe in this work of God, and in me. You all blessed me! And it has been amazing to have people come to me and commit to praying, commit to giving funds. So many times I have seen God provide for me, and through these last months as I began to count through my "piggybank" I have had to pray - God give me trust. And you are proving to me again - God is faithful, trustworthy, loving. And where He leads He will provide. He brings us together as true community to belong to each other. To give ourselves away to each other! Thank you. You bless me.


Anonymous said...

I remember that performance. Bravo! Take a bow! I still have the raw footage here, somewhere, in this mound of studioY film... It will never see the light without your signature... :)

You did good Kim. I know many who are praying for you.
God Bless ya girl!