Monday, May 08, 2006

Spring Happened

One of my favourite things happened last night. I love the moment in spring when the little gray buds on all the trees all of a sudden become bright green leaves - everywhere. And it almost seems like it is ONE moment. One day you see spring about to happen. And then the next day you realize it's happened and all is green and somehow you missed the in-between.
That moment of revelation hit last night. I was driving along when I realized all the trees next to me were green. Everyone of them had leaves, not buds.
And so my long commute this morning was once again a beautiful thing (after I made it past the blowing snow and sleet!) The road to Fort St. John rolls right over the mighty Peace River. And as the road drops into the steep valley, all around is this fantastic shade of green. All the trees looking like - life! And so I have to try to pry my eyes off the view and try to stay on the road - a somewhat difficult task (for me) on any day. But it was great. I could sit at the top of that hill for a couple of hours and just watch and sing. How pretty!


Jenn said...

You better keep your eyes on the road. You need to come home in one piece. See you on Sunday. Grayson sends kisses, and poopy dippers.