Friday, August 17, 2007

Just Switch

To clear up any confusion, I am now writing my exam next August! The joy of my life means that no plan lasts longer a few months!
The board running the exam made a change to the timeline for our paperwork, that puts me and the girls I was studying with back 6 months. It's not the best situation, but it does allow me to slack off a bit on my Anatomy and Physiology homework!
So, I was doing prenatals this morning and I had two patients who just made me laugh, one mom is having her 7th baby, the other her 6th. One mom has 6 boys at home, the other has 5 girls. I don't think the stats give them a very good chance at finally having a girl or a boy, respectively. But I'm kinda tempted to pray that they do. I know they're due in a couple weeks, so the gender thing has kinda already been figured out for a long time, but God could do it. Don't think He will though.
I suggested they switch at birth. But they didn't go for it!


Anonymous said...

Let us know whether they have boys or girls! Would be pretty cool if they both had the opposite.