Monday, June 25, 2007

The First Touch

Well I know I've previously talked about a couple baby-catches, and I've assisted at plenty of births in the last 5 months. BUT... last night I had what was in my opinion my first Official, Official Baby Catch! It was such a high!!
I was the first person to ever get to touch that baby (a girl, yet unnamed)!! I got to be with the mom throughout labour, and when that head was born - reach down, to find no cord wrap, but one little hand grasping her little ear. I delivered that arm, and then the other and out came baby! Honestly, what a miracle!
Birth is amazing, Amazing and being a part of it as a doula, an assistant or primary midwife is an incredible privilege. There is a bond that's built between a mom and everyone present when she gives birth. Because you watch her perform a miracle, and demonstrate such incredible power, and then such gentle maternal love. And new life is too precious for words.
So friends, I caught a baby last night and it was fantastic! I guess I'll do it again soon!


Anonymous said...

Totally awesome. Amazing. Beautiful.
Proud of you, girl.

Anonymous said...

What a picture of God: amazing power, miracle, gentle love. I too am very proud of my girl.

Chantal said...

Good show! I'm so happy that you are back into the game of "baby catching". You need to send me your new address again, I still have plenty of pretty sky stationary to write letters on.
Oh and by the way, you suck. The CFL is good! Not as good as NHL but a sutiable alternative for the off season of hockey.

middie said...

way to go Kim, hang in there...way to be with the nuchal hand...

Anonymous said...

hey kimmy, thinking of u and loving what your doing!