Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bad Blogger

I've become a bad blogger. Sorry. It's been a long time since I've graced this page with new words. Well in this moment I'm putting off heading to work, don't worry, I'll go in a minute. Life is good. Mr. John Reuben is here tomorrow night - should be a great show! We've been looking forward to this for quite a while - I hope a ton of kids come out! Guess I'm gonna have to put my hip-hop on.
And then even more than that, Friday morning we're all heading to Calgary for Emerge - ABC's youth conference. I haven't been to Cowtown in 2 years, and I'm excited. Of course this time I'm responsible for the well-being of almost 20 kiddos. Yikes! If you're out there, I'd appreciate your prayers for our safety and for the weekend to have a lasting effect.
Well, starting the car and heading in the direction of the Work can only be avoided for so long.


Anonymous said...


I like your blogs. They're very interesting!

I'm a writer, and few of my stuff has been published (most of them Christian).

It would be so helpful if you could post your comments on my blog and tell me what you think.



Unknown said...

A bad blogger? Well at least you're not a bad blogger AND a bad blog reader! At least you've found time to read my feeble blog these past few months. I always love receiving a comment from you and knowing someone has stuck it out and kept checking it even when i'm sure there's nothing new for chunks of time. anyway, thank you. i'm just getting caught up on yours and i'm really enjoying it.