Sunday, October 14, 2007

Babies n Boys, Roaches n Worse!

I don't have the energy for a full out blog entry, but I do have a few comments I've been saving up:

  • The other night my roomie and I came home from a night shift to find 8 mostly-dead cockroach carcasses scattered around the house. Usually every week or two we have one roach in the morning and just do away with them. But to have 8 in one night?! I'm just glad I wasn't there, and glad to have a cat to deal with them!
  • On Friday one of my patients delivered. She's one of those women who have lightspeed labors, and she went from 7cm to crowning in 30min. We barely had time to get the gloves on and catch! Wow!
  • Friday was a holiday here - for the end of Ramadan, and without school the 10-year-old boys on my block have taken up camping in the parking space in front of my home. So a dozen little boys are roaming without their folks all weekend, sleeping on cardboard and trying to saw through the drain grates to steal and sell the iron rods. They’ve taken to singing me the latest pop song and yelling up through my open windows if I want to "sex with them". They’re harmless, but my question is: Where are their parents?
  • There's a big tree directly outside my front gate (growing through the concrete), and currently a giant, dreadful, very poisonous-looking spider has taken up residence in its branches, just outside my window and just over the gate. I'm pretty sure it could get in the house if it tried and everytime I enter or leave I'm so afraid it will fall on my head. I'm even more worried it will disappear, and then I won't know where it is!!

Sweet dreams folks!