Sunday, October 14, 2007

Bye Bye Spider

Much to my delight it appears my big-nasty-spider problem has been solved! You remember the wonderful, kind security guards I've told you about? Well this morning I asked the guard on duty if there wasn't something that could be done about the spider-above-the-gate. And he was very certain, "Oh yes, Ma'am." So I thanked him and went away pleased, thinking he was obviously very brave and would come over later to spray it with pesticide or knock it down with a stick and squish it. I was happy.
About an hour later I'm in my apartment and I hear this racquet outside the window, so I turn around to see what is going on. And there, out of my 2nd storey window I see our wonderful, dear, little security guard, in the tree, at my eye level. He's climbed up the tree, wearing his dress pants, shoes and barong, and with kitchen knife in hand is chopping down the tree! I'm not kidding you!
There's now half a tree outside my house, growing up from the concrete.


Anonymous said...

Truly bizarre! So, where is the spider?