Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Big Change

Forgive me for not posting in an inordinately long time, I've been contemplating a lot and facing a big decision. And all of it has had me quite preoccupied. But now the decision is made and I'm facing big changes.
With a lot of prayer and heart-searching I decided that I won't be finishing my program with the school I'm with. I am still passionate to become a midwife, to serve the poor and especially to care for women and children. But I really feel strongly that this wasn't the right path for me. I am wishing them well, and it is so sad to move away from the family I have been a part of here in Pingkian. I have had some of beautiful experiences in the last couple months, and these people really matter to me. This has been a tough choice.
But now I'm in the process of moving, both from my house and ministry. I will be volunteering here in the Philippines with a Christian development and social work foundation, and I will continue to study midwifery on my own. Later on this year I hope to re-enter midwifery training and ministry, and am really trusting God to lead that and put me in the right place at the right time.
I thank you - my friends for your love, support and prayers for me! This is as unexpected for you as it is for me. But I want you to know that I am trusting God, I feel safe in this choice, and feel like I'm being obedient to what He has put inside me. There is peace and joy!


Kayla said...

Kim-May The Lord Bles You. We are called to listen and obey and sometimes that looks different then what we thought it would. I also have peace and joy for you. I want you to know that I am totally in support of you choice to follow the Lord in what he has put on your heart. I look forward to seeing you at Shang and staying updated on all your adventures. Much Love, Kayla

Anonymous said...

hey you, big change for sure but I know God is in the midst of it all. Kepp me posted!
praying for ya!