Thursday, March 01, 2007

First Home Birth!

Friends... it has been an eventful week and feel that I've had so much to say and have not been able to say it yet! I'm going to try and give you the Reader's Digest version (as my father would say).
The girls and I have begun camping out at our midwife's place - births often happen at night, and night transportation can be somewhat sketchy here. So in the name of safety we're camping out there overnight in order to be available for births. Her husband and kids will be joining her to live up here at the end of March, and then we can stay home knowing we will have reliable night time transport.
So Alex and I camped out on Monday night and at 3:06am were rewarded with a birth, my first home birth! Melba is a first time mom, only 19 years old, and she did so good! She is also my continuity which means that I cared for her through all her last prenatals, through birth and will continue to do so postpartum. And she gave birth to a darling chubby girl - Andrea Jesusa, which is what her and her husband wanted. (Birth details, ignore if you don't want to know: ...I did 3 IEs, monitored vitals and heart tones, labour coached, cut the cord, gave oxytocin injections in stage 4, gave baby vit K and erythromicin. Melba laboured upright, and delivered in a squatting position, no lacerations - yay!)
And when I was checking up on her today she told me that they wanted me to be Andrea's godmother - which is so special! I'll be sure to show you ALL the pics when the baptism happens, but will hopefully have other baby pictures tomorrow night (my time).
So we left after the birth at about 4:30am and I was admitted to the hospital at about 7:30am! I'd been having serious abdominal pain for over 12hrs, and got to the point that I couldn't handle it anymore. So the hospital gave me a lifetime worth of meds and made me stay 24hrs. They also collapsed a vein when trying to insert an IV and gave me the biggest stinking needle ever, and I cried like a baby! I'm still not really sure what was wrong, or how to keep it from reoccuring, but for now I'm better. I'd really appreciate your prayers for good health!
Well I look forward to the days to come, we're having so many home visits, and there are so many mommies due in the next couple weeks, we should keep busy. I'll try to keep you up-to-date better and get some pictures on here soon. I really need some pictures.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you Kim! Wow!! Also, so glad you're feeling better.

Chantal said...

that's so awesome! i'm so happy for you, can't wait to see the pics. yikes! maybe you should have given yourself the needle.
love you

curverclan said...

It's great reading about your life and happenings in the city! Relish every experience. I wish I could visit all of you and have a chance to work together too! Did you really already get a continuity? Way to go!
