Friday, February 23, 2007


We've had a couple miss-adventures this week and both right in the coziness of our own home! Well on our patio at least. Do you remember that I told you about the rat problem? In the spirit of selfishness, we eagerly placed plates of rat poison in both our attic spaces (ie: the space between our ceiling and the corrugated metal sheets hung over it, it is not sealed!). And I am here to inform you that it kinda worked...
Two days ago I noticed a foul odour occurring right outside our door, and upon investigation we found a dead rat tucked very tightly in the drain underneath our cement walkway! Yes, pleasant isn't it! Well God happened to send our dear Aussie friend to visit us that day and she (being G.I. Jane), went in after it and pulled it using muscle and plastic bags alone! Thank the LORD for Kerrin!
So now here we are with a dead rat in a bag in a tupperware container (bye bye tupperware), and its just been garbage day and we don't want a rat carcass stinking things up, whatdya do? I've realized that we have a luxury at home I've never before appreciated - the Yellow Pages! Well, this was just miss-adventure #1, there was more to come!
So yesterday afternoon I step outside to make lunch (we have an outdoor kitchen), and I hear this sad soft whimpering. And I say, "Dear sweet goodness, WHAT IS IT?" Well, its a cat, yes, a sad wreck of a cat that is not in good shape (on it's best day), and is currently in it's last moments! Yes, we had a cat die on our porch, probably after it was in our attic and eating our rat poison. And that one had to be put in a plastic bag too.
So now we have two dead animals in bags, just sitting there. Luckily when we had our Filipino friends over for dinner they decided the best thing was to go up the street to where some garbage trucks are parked overnight and throw em in the back. And so we said goodbye to our four-legged friends.
This morning our dear Ate Doris came back and the brave little women climbed into our attic spaces to search out anymore failing animals, which there luckily were not. And we took down the rat poison too. I must say I'm a little afraid to step outside now, what might we find next? Yes, these are the miss-adventures of a house of girls in a foreign country!


Anonymous said...

"So now we have two dead animals in bags, just sitting there. Luckily when we had our Filipino friends over for dinner...." A wonderful combination of words my love. I love your writing.

Jenn said...

Oh Kim you must of freaked. I would of. That grosses me out so much. what a smell i bet, especially in a hot humid country. Glad things are looking up.

Chantal said...

Hahahaha! I laugh heartily at you!

"Dear sweet goodness" Really? Are you sure that's what you said?

Just wait until the rainy season starts in a few months. I'm sure many lifeless things will get washed right to your front door.

Chantal said...

Hahahaha! I laugh heartily at you!

"Dear sweet goodness" Really? Are you sure that's what you said?

Just wait until the rainy season starts in a few months. I'm sure many lifeless things will get washed right to your front door.