Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Little Children

So today contained more adventures! We went with friends up into a local Mangyan village, a place that is very poor, and seems a step back in time.
Our friends have been visiting this village for several months now and just try to help meet local needs and have fun with the kids. So our medics set up a little clinic and a bunch of girls were cutting and washing kids hair, and scrubbing up their little hands and feet. We also had bags of baby clothing and blankets to give out to those who were buntis (pregnant) or had batas (children).
Really all of these small gifts were for their health, the medic work is obvious, but washing their hair helps keep the children from itching their scalps and causing wounds, wounds which don't don't heal quickly in this kind of humidity. And cleaning little fingers and under nails helps stop the spread of diseases when little kids are always putting their fingers in their mouths. And the clothes also gives them something clean, and something warm.
We had a lot of fun, but it is always sad to me that we have so little real lasting help to offer. That is why I am pursuing Midwifery, so that I will have a real, necessary skill to help impact the health and safety of mothers and babies, and in turn entire communities!
I spent most of the morning playing "photo" with the beautiful children! I took pictures of them and they would ogle and laugh and screech! They loved it and would have loved it until the end of time I'm sure. Anyway I have uploaded all the pics into an online album, so click HERE.


Jenn said...

Beautiful children, and to be so happy with so little. Great pictures Kim.

Miranda said...

These are such amazing pictures...beautiful.

Dan King said...

thanks for the little glimpses into your new world.
