Friday, August 04, 2006

A Quiet Evening

Time flies so quickly - apparently its been over a week since I've written anything - sorry. I find it hard to think of what to report to you. If I write about midwifery studies - well that can get awkward pretty quickly. If I write about the fun stuff we do in our free time, you know, to maintain sanity - well then it just looks like I'm partying the summer away (which would be quite false!).
So I will say that life is a good mix of heaps and heaps of homework, fun with new friends, working through the highs and lows of living in community, entering missions and seeking wholeness in Christ. We're busy, but tonight is a night off of class, which means dinner at home, a walk through beautiful local neighbourhoods and now a movie. These kinds of nights are rare - I savor them!
Tomorrow we'll be becoming certified in neonatal resucitation - a full day! Missions school respects no schedule!!
Oh, I haven't told you yet - we learned how to suture! Yes we pulled out pigs feet and some chromic catgut and put back together some terrible lacerations! I have pictures to prove it, so when I can organize it I'll be posting those here too.
Until then please enjoy this music video! I stand in amazement, both because I've been to bible college, and because some people have too much time on their hands! Enjoy!