Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We're Gonna Do What??

You will not begin to guess what we did yesterday - okay so you've seen the pictures, maybe you will guess. We learned how to give injections! Both sub-cutaneous and intra-muscular - that's right and we practiced on each other! Sometimes my jaw just drops and I can't really believe that they are letting us do this stuff! And then they pull out syringes, gloves and sterile water and we start shooting each other up! Yikes!
But for all the absolute terror that filled our classroom I think we really got a good feel for it - now we're not pros but we're on our way!
As midwives we need to learn injections in order to be able to give pitocin or methergine after delivery in case of postpartum hemorrhage, sterile water shots for pain and tetanus immunizations during pregnancy.
Anyone wanna sign up for midwifery or medic school??


Jenn said...

glad its not me.

Chantal said...

Hey Babe!
Giving needles is super freaky. How many times did you get jabbed? Arm sore? Wish I could have been there to give you a shot! Keep the pictures coming, I love seeing them. Let me know as soon as you know where you are going in September!
Love you!

Dan King said...

hhhmmmmm ....

so i'm not into that ... but, good for you!!
