I urge you all to pray for Burma and to spread the word and prayers. And if you can, to give to an aid organization, I know World Vision has access to the country already.
In case you aren't already aware, a cyclone ravaged the nation-state of Burma (Myanmar) over the weekend, and there are already 23,000 confirmed dead. Many fear that number is going to reach 100,000 people. That's people - just like you me, me, and your mother. Missing and dead. And to comlicate things the military government is blocking access to much of the aid being offered. Many more thousands of people who are alive now are likely to die soon of exposure, starvation, and disease. Especially as dead bodies pile up, and poison the water supplies.
Complicate it all again, by the brutal junta regime's violent attacks on many of the tribal villages, particularly among the Karen people, who are refugees areound the world, in the thousands. And complicated thrice by issues of sex trafficking and child soldiers.
Plead to the Father for the junta regime to allow ALL aid and workers into the nation, and for the right equipment, food and supplies to reach the more than 1 million who have been left homeless. Just plase pray. And maybe also that somehow all of this will be used for good, and that democracy, and restoation might come!
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