Sunday, November 04, 2007

Leviticus 15?

In church this morning the speaker tells us our passage for the morning, and everyone opens up their Bibles. I didn't have mine, I never have mine, so I just pulled out my journal for the notes. And they start to read the passage out, in Bisaya of course, and I'm listening only vaguely. I know enough to know, that I only really know maternity-clinic-Bisaya.
But as their reading I begin to think - Wait a second, I know these words. What are they talking about??? I can't wait for them to get to the English translation, so I peak over at my roomie's Bible to see if what I'm thinking is what is being read. And sure enough, my maternity-clinic-Bisaya has served me well. We are reading the passages of the Law that discuss menstrual periods and semen. In church. Yes, that is our inspirational passage for the morning! Around the church people are getting shifty and uncomfortable, there are grins and nervous chuckles. Seriously, Leviticus 15?? My nurse-roomie and I are quietly laughing in the back row, and the poor translator is totally embarrassed and trying to make it through the passage.
In the end, sense was made as the speaker moved on to Mark 5 and the women who touches Jesus and is healed. He lets us know we can boldly approach Jesus, even when we feel "unclean" we can still go face-to-face with Him and ask for healing and restoration. And Jesus even calls this women Daughter, apparently the only time He ever speaks the name.
But I was lost, the start of that sermon was unfathomably awkward! I'm proud of the man for going for it, it takes a great level of confidence to address menstruation in Church. I've tried to picture a Sunday at home and Alan basing a sermon on, quote - discharges - end quote, but I'm afraid I don't have the imagination for it. Men here do a lot of things I can't imagine men doing at home, guess this was just one of them.
I have to say, it was a sermon I'll never forget!


Chantal said...

that is awesome!!!
I probably would have been in the back either giggling or crying, not sure which.
Definitely not something that would be preached by anyone I can think of in Canada. I especially can't picture Alan preaching it.

Jeremy said...

although, if there's a man who would preach it boldly, Alan's probably the one to do it.