Monday, November 19, 2007

Cat's Out - My New Job

Well, the Official Cat is out of the bag, so I thought I would finally write on here and share with all of you my news about "The Next Step." And what I'll be doing after I head home in a couple weeks.
What I'll be doing is actually surprising to me, because I never saw it coming. I received an email a couple months ago and sat in the internet cafe with my mouth gaping, at the strange idea it presented to me! The suggestion that I consider serving the GP Church of Christ as youth pastor, or at least pray about it! In that moment I thought it was just craziness, why would anyone ask me that question? I assumed I would write back the next day and tell him, "nope, that's not for me." But I did pray about it, and in fact the idea itself grew and grew in my mind until both the praying and thinking began to push me towards the opposite answer. I began to really want to do it.
So now it is official. Starting in January I will be on staff in my home church, working full time as the Interim Youth Ministry Director. Yikes! And Yay! I'm pretty excited for this, there are just so many amazing Jr. and Sr. High-ers in our congregation! As I have been in and out of GP in the last few years I have had a lot of fun with them, leading in youth group, sunday school and conferences. And now my job is to plan those things and keep having fun, and point them all to Jesus! That's pretty exciting to me.
So the Cats out of the Bag. I figured I should finally blog this, as even my own poor brother found out by accident the other day. So now between the Chronicle and church and this blog, you all should know! I'd appreciate your prayers as I head into big responsibility, and lots of learning!


Chantal said...

I still think it's crazy! But awesome!
How did Ben find out?