Thursday, March 08, 2007

Things That Go Bump In The Night

So I wake in the night and turn my fan off, and roll over to back to sleep when some large, something palm sized, runs up my back! Yes, that's right - it's dark, I'm in someone else's home and my worst fear comes true, an unknown but large something crawls on me(towards me head). And I'm left frantic!
It was really horrible, but I managed to keep it between me and my roommate. So we've shaken everything out, and I'm standing on the floor considering a Britney Spears hairstyle, and trying to decide what to do for the rest of the long, dark, scary night, when my loving roommate motions that I should move towards her and away from the door. So I wasn't exactly rational and that had me scrambling to get back on the previously "deadly" top bunk! And this time the fervour managed to escape our "room". And our midwife woke to see if we were maybe catching a baby mid-air or something, only to find out I was freaking, and that the culprit in this case was actually a cockroach (had I only known).
So it's still in the middle of the night, and I break down - I'm crying on the top bunk and looking frantically around for the "enemy". And forgive me for this, please, in that moment I hated this place, and I wanted to go home!
But my loving roommate took one for the team and climbed up on to the top bunk, and took the spot by the "crack" (between the bed and the wall and the uncloseable window), and then I took the edge of the bed, next to her. And that is how we went to sleep, after I spent 2hours staring at the ceiling.
So if any of you have misconceptions about my bravery in coming here, now you know. I'm an irrational, emotional baby!


Jenn said...

OH MY GOODNESS KIM!!! The thought of that makes the hair on the back of my neck curl. I feel so sorry for you. I love you so much, but I can honestly say I don't think I could have done what your friend did, by sleeping next the the window, or what ever it was. Time to invest in a mosquito net or two. Heck I'd be sleeping in one, and have one around my bed. Hope that the last of it for you.

Anonymous said...

You are so BRAVE!! I know you absolutely don't feel it, but I'd be on the next plane home!

Chantal said...

maybe you should create some sort of a bubble or something to sleep in. i really hated the cockroaches, they are flippin huge.

God is bigger than the boogie man, he's bigger than godzilla or the monsters in your bed!

Wish I could give you a hug! Love you.

Lindsey said...

ok kim, that sounds aweful! i totally feel for you (not that i have had a cockroach crawling up my back). ara found and killed the huge spider in our house. thank the lord!!