Saturday, September 02, 2006


Oh Friends, today is a hard day, yesterday too. School is over, and all my dear classmates are going, going, gone. The hard thing about being involved in short-term communities (ie: DTS, or this summer), is that you put your whole heart into people - because you can't put only a bit, you just can't. But when the community moves on, as with these things it really should. Well, your heart goes with everyone who leaves. So my heart is a little tender today, sore, and melancholy.
But Lord I am grateful for this summer, for this community that shaped me, and loved me and and danced with me (literally)! This has been an incredible gift, and it is you my friends at home that have helped get here, to be apart of this life that God is calling me into, giving me, and leading me on.
I'm coming home to you friends. In a few short days I will be home. For the short term atleast, as it most always seems to be. But none-the-less I will be back in your community, loving and changing with you.
This summer has been wonderful, inexplicably good. And I look forward to the time when I will meet these friends again on distant shores, whether that be in a few months in the Philippines, or Heaven. But as for today, today I am sad. And quiet.


Anonymous said...

Aww Kimmy, you're making me sad. I knew you'd have a hard time with the goodbyes; I'm not so good at them, myself. Love you girl. Looking forward to hearing more about all these new friends. See you very soon.

Chantal said...

hi beautiful
wish I could be there with you. can't wait to hear from you again. safe travels home, dear.
talk to you soon

Dan King said...

thanks for sharing your heart kim ... hope your trip home and the time you'll have there will be good.
