Monday, March 16, 2009

Boise: the Hub

Here I am in Boise, and I'm loving Boise! Why is it that so many parts of my life seem to circle around this small city that isn't my home?
I've been here since Wednesday night, and have been to four births in the last four days. Which is a little wild, and it is all so good! I assisted at my very first water birth. Which I've always wanted to see - so great!
I'm really enjoying The Baby Place birth centre. I'm really enjoying normal, healthy, natural births. I'm enjoying the beauty of the care that is being provided. I'm enjoying time with good friends.
And I'm revisiting places with people, memories and feelings attached to them. And seeing them in different light. Good. But weird. Church yesterday seemed so odd without my 30-40 friends of that summer three years ago. I spent Saturday night in my old home, no longer full with 16 girls.
And with so many things converging on this one place and on some of these people, it's hard to keep track of what we have in common, and what is separate.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

What a Good Day

A miracle was unfolded today. God gave me a gift.

I discovered just last week that all I need to complete my clinical requirements was one single experience, of any kind of skill. One that can be dated after January 27, 2008. So any experience I gain now counts.

And God provided! I had made a call, sent some emails, and I was waiting. Which I am very, very bad at doing. And just this morning my phone rang, one of my calls returned, the one I was hoping for. And an invitation was given to come and learn and finish my requirements! I am going to Boise, Idaho on Wednesday, for a week! I was crying and vibrating in my joy.

And then I went to work and received an email from my dear friend in Boise, with even more good news, and more excitement. In one day a wealth of God's blessings have been poured down on me. Jehovah Jireh. Giver of good gifts!