Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Critter Control

I thought I should let you know that the dreadful spider did not go away as I had hoped, (and chosen to believe). The other day as I stepped out to start a shift next door, there it was on the outside wall, all huge and leggy and terrifyingly horrible!! I cried. And then worked up the courage to walk down the stairs and out the gate. And now I have no idea where it is. Every entry and exit is a gigantic leap of bravery as I search for it (do I want to see it or not?) and then quickly hit the stairs.
In another critter news, last night the guard-on-duty decided to do away with a bat that's been eating off our little half-tree. So he clipped it, David and Goliath style (though he is much bigger than the bat). I left work this morning to be shown the nasty carcass of the poor thing, what a great start to the day!
Killing bats, cutting down trees with kitchen knives, all in a days work for the guards at Glory Reborn!


Anonymous said...

I think you should probably add, "hunting down and killing horrendous spider animals," to their job description!