Monday, January 22, 2007

First News

Well friends as I said I am here and after sleeping for the first time in several days I feel human again! I'm on the island of Mindoro right now, here for 9 days and it is warm, and so green outside.
We arrived last night and the power went out to welcome us, so we were operating with candles (and I was trying not to think about what might be out in the dark that I wasn't seeing!!). I had my first cold shower - ahh life!
So far I haven't seen any terrifying spiders (knock on wood), but just a few cockroaches, and other bugs nothing to worrysome - except when they come flying out at you in the middle of the night.
Life here is about to begin!

So the pic above is the view from the ferry boat (not what you're thinking of when you think ferry boat), and this one is the view from the front of the house!


Chantal said...

Glad you made it there alright, those ferries can be a little freaky sometimes. You sould get used to power outages, they happen all the time. It is such a beautiful place, I can't believe you get to live there!
Love you tons

Jenn said...

wow and so it begins. Life on the other side of the world. Love the pictures. Wow thats some ferry. Love you. I bet you are having a blast already. :o)