I just read a fantastic article on Relevant that I just had to share with you! Now admittedly it's talking about a different kind of youth ministry than what I've grown up on. But I have seen my share of entertainment-based, babysitting style youth ministry, that was lacking or uninterested in being something so much more.
This article really stirs me, because I want to see the youth of this generation rise up and be "peculiar people". Kids who live lives that are socially responsible and who above ALL are faithful to Christ. Even to give up their rights to a life of safety, security or predictability. The call of Christ is often wild and undomesticated - regardless of where they are living, what school they attend or whatever vocation they involve themselves in.
I really have big dreams for our up-and-coming youth, the kids in my church here at home are really amazing. I have a blast with them. It is these kids who I want more for, I want to see them embrace Christ, and enter the world as His bride!
"I’ve grown to believe that student ministry is about much more than just numbers and telling teenagers to “just say no” to temptation. It’s an opportunity to place oneself at the forefront of a great rebellion, a war on the idea that Christianity is just about your inactions. “Follow” is a verb. Something must be done in order to meet the requirements of the command. If I follow Christ and my students follow with me, then they no longer have to settle for being a shadow of the greater culture. Instead, they can lead the Church into the next generation, making her what God intended her to be—a cool shade for the world to rest beneath. If they can accomplish this, the world will look at the Church and know: This is where I go when I need help …when I’m hurting …when I’m homeless … when I’m addicted …when I’m far from home …when I’m hungry … when I’m sick …when I’m ready to give up … But if I choose not to go to the church, there’s no worry, for I know that she will come to me."
Thanks for sharing your heart for youth ministry and referring this article. I wanna go check out the whole thing now.
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